Getting The Junk Out of Your Trunk – Clear Out Your Emotional Trash

file0001731376547I just put 12 bags of clothes and household goods on my front porch, to be picked up by a local charity. There is something so satisfying about moving out the junk in my house. I wish I could say that the job is now complete, but like most people, I could stand to unload another 12 bags to get my drawers and closets where I would like them to be. It is amazing what our small family of 4 has accumulated in the 13 years we have lived in this home.

I always get a kick out of my girls when I ask them to assist in the cleaning out process. There are always items added to the pile that were hung on to just long enough, that we are able to recall how desperate they were to own it and how ridiculous that now seems. Fortunately there are also those moments where I hear, “I forgot I had this! I love this! I am going to use/wear this tomorrow!”

Emotional cleaning out is an important task as well. We all have emotional scars, memories and relationships that act like accumulating junk in our closets. The process of sorting through those and getting some clarity around the impact those have on us, can be painful and time consuming. It can also be encouraging and life giving.

P1340917In the exercise of processing our emotional junk, it is not uncommon to discover that desires we once had for our life now seem frivolous or unimportant to our current surroundings. Our “younger self” goals might cause us to laugh out loud, as we understand more clearly, what is truly satisfying in life. We might realize that something that seemed so painful in the past was actually a catalyst for change that has made all the difference. People we have encountered along our journey may need to be thrown in the give-away pile or better yet, reclaimed as the forgotten gem.

I am currently in the process of cleaning out my house because I don’t want the job to be overwhelming when we eventually move out of Denver. This is the longest I have lived in one house as a married woman. Our early years were filled with job transfers and moves across numerous state lines. At each of those times, I would downsize make the move easier.

Cleaning out of emotional closets also assists in making our moves easier. If you feel ready to move, whether that be into a new occupation, a new relationship or a new attitude, some heartfelt, emotional cleaning up may be in order.

Moriah Ventures, LLC

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