Mind, Body, Soul: New Year Resolutions Can Start Now!

I know that it is more than half way through the first month of the year. I also know that the holiday season can really take it out of us, making it hard to start the new year going to the gym and changing our diets to meet the demands of our repeat New Year Resolutions. I want to encourage you, even if it is a late start, to set some goals for 2018. I do this with my clients, not to impose more stress into their life, but to remind them that personal change can only happen if we make alterations to our unhealthy patterns.

For 2018, I am suggesting the theme, MIND, BODY AND SOUL. Even though my area of expertise tends to focus on the emotional, I am finding it more and more a part of my responsibility, as I encourage clients to embrace mental health, to also encourage physical and spiritual health as well. It is all connected. We are holistic beings that need more than one area of our life to be healthy if we want to feel empowered and content.

So, if you are ready to make 2018 one of your personal bests, consider some of the following:


Stress, toxic relationships and lack of positive stimulation can lead to feelings of lethargy, depression, anxiety and even anger. Identifying the triggers to a negative thought process is just the beginning to changing the course of your emotional health. Consider trying a new hobby, reading a book on a topic you are interested in or joining a new club or small group at church, where you can meet people who you relate with. Positive relationships and intellectual challenge are high on the list of things to do to fight the aging process so start now!


We often think about exercising when we want to lose weight, but the benefits of movement go beyond how we look in a bathing suit. The endorphins created when we move our bodies also help with mood, energy and sexual drive. If you tend to fight the blues in these winter months, turn on the music and dance around your kitchen if you have to, but keep moving!

Additionally, think about what you are putting in your body as you head into 2018. Taking nutritional supplements, eating real food and cutting back on sugar are good ways to fight depression! Getting at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight everyday is also a good way to keep the mood positive, which can be difficult for some. For those that live in places that don’t get sun, add some Vitamin D or some Sam E to your regimen so that you stave off dark thoughts.


Our spiritual side needs to be nurtured as well if we want to feel personal progress in the new year. Meditation and prayer have been proven to calm nerves, help with anxiety and help with creativity. Finding a time in each day to center your thoughts, focus on faith and love, and process your life, is beneficial for everyone. If you enjoy corporate worship, think about returning to a congregation you enjoy or trying a new one. Another way to feed the soul is to volunteer for a cause close to your heart. It is not uncommon to leave a time of personal sacrifice feeling like you were more blessed than the people or cause you served.

I hope some of these ideas will get you thinking about changes you can make in 2018! May it be a year of personal growth for you! Think MIND, BODY, SOUL!

As always, let me know if I can help.



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